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Kathy, a smiling grey haired woman wearing glasses and a red collared shirt in a holiday like scene is crowned as the Employee of the Month!
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Kathy shares how working at APHW has been “far better than the last”

They say each new organization brings its own environment.

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Real Estate Review: REALTOR® Recommends & Also Uses APHW

“An area sales manager visited our office years ago, and he did such a great job that about five of us signed up immediately for America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW),” said South Carolina… Read More

Michigan REALTORS® ACHIEVE Virtual Event

“As a REALTOR® you are not just an industry leader – you are a community leader. Aim high!” – E’toile Libbett, 2021 President, Michigan REALTORS® It’s time to achieve new heights in Michigan real… Read More

Address Verification Coming to Real-Pro®

On December 9, real estate agents and REALTORS® ordering new home warranties on Real-Pro® will notice a convenient update, standardizing property addresses by finding all components of your address… Read More

In Good Hands – Literally

Sometimes ‘snail-mail’ is the only option, so it’s nice to know when you’re in good hands. This was the literal case for a potential customer, when Elizabeth Sokol personally delivered an America’s… Read More

Because That’s Just What We Do

Have you ever avoided salespeople? I don’t appreciate a forceful sales pitch either… but not all salespeople are like that. Definitely not Suzann Blades—as far as she’s concerned, friendship is far… Read More

We’re Just Not the Vendor Type

Hi, I’m Luke Brock. You’re probably thinking, “You’re the home warranty guys.” We sure are. But we’re so much more. As the Vice President of Strategic Accounts at America’s Preferred Home Warranty (… Read More

No Home Warranty? No Sale.

Would you buy a home if it didn’t include a home warranty? Some might, but Jon Hoerauf wouldn’t. “I’ve told people I wouldn’t buy a home unless they included a home warranty,” he said. “Because you… Read More

Through the Eyes of Children

I was a Big Brother 15 years ago, before my daughter was born. We spent a lot of time together at sporting events, car rides, just hanging out—I really enjoyed it, and I like to think of that boy now… Read More

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