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Kathy, a smiling grey haired woman wearing glasses and a red collared shirt in a holiday like scene is crowned as the Employee of the Month!
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Kathy shares how working at APHW has been “far better than the last”

They say each new organization brings its own environment.

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Employee testimonial: Open communication in the workplace

After years in an operations role, Jason Wilson needed a change. “It’s kind of a thankless job,” he said. “You work the same hours, the requirements are nonstop, and you’re constantly fighting for… Read More

APHW's customer service heroes care for you

Most of us are used to the hum-drum notion of call center staff answering phones and entering data, day in and day out. But customer service representatives (CSRs) at America’s Preferred Home… Read More

Getting the most out of time spent under one roof

Many households were forced to rapidly adapt to being in close quarters with loved ones. Whether through the pandemic or the holidays, quarantine gave many of us a well of experience on how to… Read More

Employee review: APHW supports promotion from within

You’ve probably heard ‘Just get your foot in the door’ a million times. When he joined our customer service team, Mark knew America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) had a reputation for promotion… Read More

Employee review: A supportive work environment

“I remember thinking this job sounded too good to be true.” It was the middle of 2020, and Stephanie Bushnell needed a job in the real estate field, but not in selling homes. Then a LinkedIn post for… Read More

Employee review: ‘It really is a family atmosphere’

It was supposed to be temporary. With her husband laid off from his job, Susan took a full-time customer service position at America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) out of necessity. Now five years… Read More

Employee review: My APHW career checks all the boxes

Dana Donovan knew she was in trouble. COVID-19 would soon hit the states, and as a restaurant group business developer, her meetings were already focused on cost measures by January 2020. “We were… Read More

Employee review: Home warranty company set me up for success

How often does tripling your workload, even temporarily, turn into a good thing? He’d only recently finished his initial training, but Ohio Area Sales Manager (ASM) Cameron Stansberry stepped up when… Read More

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