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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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New homeowner? Watch for warning signs from these home systems

The first few weeks of home ownership can be stressful. As you familiarize yourself with the various systems in the house, you may become aware of problems that weren’t obvious when the purchase of… Read More

How to close your pool for the season

Fall is inching toward us. It’s time to start preparations, and one of the biggest things to tackle is your large outdoor equipment, like your in-ground pool. Our tips below will show you how to… Read More

What does a water softener do?

Your water supply may contain minerals like magnesium and calcium, which can enter your home and wreak havoc over time. Water softeners can reduce the effects of these minerals, potentially extending… Read More

How to save water on your lawn and garden

We all want a luscious lawn and flourishing garden — but not the high water bill that comes with it. Here are some environmentally-conscious ways to help your green space and wallet thrive, even… Read More

How to Support Local Contractors for Small Business Saturday

2020 has been a tough year for many small businesses. With Small Business Saturday arriving November 28th, America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) wanted to show our support for the small business… Read More

Happy Thanks… giving? A Kitchen Tale

Imagine this… “HAPPY THANKS—” John started coughing and couldn’t quite finish his festive greeting. That was definitely not the holiday aroma he’d been hoping for. When John could breathe again he… Read More

Do You Have the Right Tools?

Whether you're an expert handyman or a rookie DIYer, having the right tools for the job is important. But what tools are the most essential? See what Home Depot recommends adding to your toolbox so… Read More

A Tale of Saving Time, Money, and Stress

I have to get to work! Jerry’s mind raced with stress as he struggled to open his garage door. The garage door opener wasn’t working, and he just didn’t have the time right now. Finally, he got it… Read More
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