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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Tips for winter washing machine safety

Winter is the season of layers, including sweaters, coats, scarves, and gloves. When laundry day rolls around, do you view your coats and cold weather accessories as dry clean only, or do you… Read More

4 tips on how to use a roof rake safely

Have you ever heard of a roof rake? It’s the easiest way to get loads of heavy snow off your roof and prevent ice damming, which can strain and damage your roof over time. But using a roof rake comes… Read More

Holiday safety tips for a great winter party

Most holiday party planning is focused on deciding the menu and cleaning the house, but prioritizing winter home safety is the cherry on top of your end-of-year gathering. Explore our holiday safety… Read More

How to save money during the holidays

This time of year, many homeowners’ wallets will feel the sting from paying for presents, stocking up seasonal décor, and gathering the groceries for a holiday feast. Some may feel that sacrificing… Read More

How to practice Thanksgiving safety

When the season means more time in the kitchen, the last thing you need is for your stove or oven to quit on you—or worse, start a fire. Semi-regular maintenance can go a long way toward ensuring… Read More

Fall back and maintain your smoke alarms

It’s Daylight Saving Time again, which means it’s time to roll back our clocks as we enter a new season – and also time to check your smoke alarms. Most homeowners understand the frustration of their… Read More

How to make a happy home

As we experience less sunlight and spend more time inside, daily life can begin to feel more stressful — but that doesn’t mean we have to check relaxation at the door. Keep reading for tips on how to… Read More

How to winterize your sprinkler system

Many of us are experiencing the changing of seasons. If you live in an area with winter temperatures that are near or below freezing, now is the time to make sure your sprinkler system is prepared.… Read More
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