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Kathy, a smiling grey haired woman wearing glasses and a red collared shirt in a holiday like scene is crowned as the Employee of the Month!
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Kathy shares how working at APHW has been “far better than the last”

They say each new organization brings its own environment.

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Kathy shares how working at APHW has been “far better than the last”

They say each new organization brings its own environment. In the seven years (and counting) that August Employee of the Month Kathy has been a part of America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW), she… Read More

How Melissa’s pivot into IT led to “super rewarding” work at APHW

While Junior NetSuite Administrator Melissa was studying Accounting in college, she always remained open to new information. “In college, I loved going to career fairs and talking to people in… Read More

Brian and Tyler “Pay It Forward” for “a big moment” on the green

What do you bring to a nice day on the golf course? For Area Sales Managers (ASMs) Brian and Tyler, it wasn’t just cool clothes, golf gear, and smiles – they also prepared a novel fundraising… Read More

How Cody’s “passion for accounting” helped him steer into his dream career

When’s the last time you went for a goal and it turned out even better than you imagined? For Accounts Payable Clerk II Cody, it was just this month!The road to APHWAfter a 20-year career as a… Read More

Accounting Manager Amanda says, “We aren’t numbers” at APHW

How much can you grow in one organization? After hearing Amanda’s story: A lot! Taking the leap Amanda was an office manager at a manufacturing company. They were in the midst of doing layoffs, so… Read More

Employee testimonial: Real support when I needed it

Toney needed help — a positions merger had eliminated her previous job. She had a friend who’d mentioned an opening at America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) to her, so, “I got a hold of Mary and… Read More

Employee testimonial: Grown into leadership

In the world of customer service, few success stories match the journey taken by Wenche, a Bilingual Contact Center Manager who joined America's Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) in January 2017. Wenche… Read More

Employee feedback: ‘There’s always a better way’

Are team member contributions important to you? Everyone at America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) supports and encourages them—and Tyler was pleasantly surprised when his ideas were not just heard… Read More

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