It’s not uncommon for a company to raise money for a charity. Slightly less common is a company completely demolishing their previous year’s contribution. But a company that does both several years in a row? Now that’s downright rare—and America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) has done it again.
The APHW family has a special place in its heart for cancer charities, particularly the Relay for Life. “The previous owner [of APHW] passed away from cancer,” said Heidi, captain of the APHW Relay for Life fundraising team, adding that the current president and owner of APHW, Randy Caltrider, has lost multiple family members to it as well. “One way or another, we are all connected with someone who has struggled with or survived cancer.”
The American Cancer Society charity is held annually in their hometown of Jackson, Michigan, and APHW has already blown past 2017’s total by more than $6,000—and they’re still going. “I’m really proud of the support that all the employees give to Relay,” Heidi said. “They continuously give, and show up, and are supportive. It’s very heartwarming.”
While APHW is still growing as a company (which certainly helps), the fundraising team’s incredible efforts are the real driving force behind everything raised. “We have fun with it,” Heidi said, listing off some of the fundraising events they’ve put together. “Spirit Day for the Michigan vs. Michigan State game, Halloween costume contests, food events like our Chili Cookoff and Cupcake Wars, monthly raffles—and we try to switch it up to make sure everyone has an opportunity to participate.” In the month of June alone they raised $812.23 by running Change Wars, an event where the winning team got a brownie party, and all anyone had to do was drop off their spare change (literally). Praise God for coin-counting machines!
All kidding aside, the team captain puts all the credit back on the staff and their willingness to give. “We wouldn’t be at our total without each and every employee that participates or donates,” Heidi said, “and I couldn’t be prouder of my coworkers.”
APHW’s fundraising efforts will continue until the final deadline of 6 p.m. on Saturday, August 4th. After the totals are tallied and the crowds have gone home, it will start all over again—with an even higher goal.