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Swimsuits hang out of an open dryer next to a wicker laundry basket
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Can I put my swimsuit in the dryer?

When you finish splashing around in the pool, what do you do after you change into dry clothes?

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Save money at home with modern tech

Smart devices can add convenience to every room in your home. But will bringing them into your household blow your budget, or help you stick to it? Read on to find out! Note: For many devices, making… Read More

Stay cool the classic way – with a whole house fan

Many of us remember hot summer afternoons spent watching streamers ripple out of the window A/C unit or fighting with our siblings to hold “concerts” in front of the rotating fan. While they made for… Read More

Rejuvenate your summer space with these backyard design ideas

Every summer, backyards, patios, and roof spaces become hubs of entertainment and relaxation — but if your outdoor space doesn’t feel as cozy as it used to, it may be time for an update. Often an… Read More

Your tankless water heater maintenance guide

How many times a week do you use hot water? Most households use hot water every day to shower, wash clothes, clean dishes, and more. Your water heater is a key part of day-to-day living and a system… Read More

Reset your space with these 4 home organization hacks

Where are my keys? Has anybody seen my left shoe? If these are things commonly said in your home, it might be time to get your home organized.Read on to discover some easy hacks that can help you… Read More

Your spring to winter home maintenance checklist

We’re nearing the end of the year, which means we’ll soon enter a new one full of maintaining, updating, and personalizing your home. It can be difficult to keep up with your major appliances and… Read More

Summer storage for students and parents: Packing like a pro at home

School is back in session, lunches are being packed all over America—and it’s time to put away all those awesome summer items. Our summer storage tips can help both parents and students… Read More

Is your home ready for the new school year?

Summer is winding down, and many households are actively preparing for the academic year ahead. In all the excitement, one item often gets left off the back-to-school shopping list: The home.… Read More
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