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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Don’t fall for these common home buying myths

There’s no shortage of ‘advice’ on what you need to buy a home. Unfortunately, some of the information commonly shared can cause more harm than good. We’re here to help you debunk five of the top… Read More

Which do you need? Home warranty vs manufacturer’s warranty

Things break down. Unexpected expenses are part of life, but they don’t have to upend our budgets or our lives—and that’s where a warranty can come in handy. When it comes to saving money on repairs… Read More

Save on utilities with this DIY home energy assessment

Energy bills are a part and parcel of owning a home. According to, the average American household spends over $175 a month on electricity and natural gas, or over $2,100 a year! It may be… Read More

House Simple: Tips to Maintain Your Gas Water Heater

There's nothing quite like getting in the shower—and realizing there's no hot water! That's why maintaining your gas water heater is so important, but did you know it only requires a tuneup once… Read More

Your 2022 spring home maintenance checklist

With the snow finally melting and flowers starting to bloom again, you guessed it—it’s time for spring cleaning! But you’ll need to do more than mop the floors and wash the windows—your home systems… Read More

Gutter cleaning tips for homeowners

We’re well into the new year, right in the middle of the foggy period between the sunset of winter and the dawn of spring. How do we make the most of it? By cleaning our gutters, of course! Seizing… Read More

Spring ahead with proper smoke alarm maintenance

A helpful rule of thumb is to practice smoke alarm maintenance when Daylight Saving Time rolls around—which happens to be today! Isn’t that convenient? It also makes it easy to remember when you… Read More

Home warranty or homeowners insurance? They work great together!

With storm season upon us, your home insurance may help in the event of damage from hail or wind—but it can’t help you if your home systems or appliances break down from normal wear and tear. That’… Read More
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