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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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How to celebrate Earth Day every day at home

Earth Day is tomorrow, and we are ready to celebrate! If you’re unsure how to celebrate Earth Day, we’ve got a list of impactful ways to help you save money and our planet without leaving home. Even… Read More

Smart plumbing for your home

Water is one resource that could always be used more efficiently—especially in your bathroom, where many households use water the most.Finding ways to lower your usage (and water bill) may seem… Read More

Sprinkler system maintenance

One of the hallmarks of summer is seeing sprinklers at work throughout your neighborhood. After regular use, however, your sprinkler system likely needs a checkup. Use this guide to help you keep… Read More

House Simple: Tips to maintain your fridge

Day in and day out, your refrigerator is used by everyone in your home. After all that activity, it’s hard to stay cool without a little maintenance! Discover these helpful tips so you can take a… Read More

Easy landscaping ideas for beginners

Have you ever driven by a home with beautiful landscaping and wondered how much work or money was involved? If you’re a new homeowner or just new to landscaping, we’ve got you covered.Even if you’ve… Read More

Don’t fall for these common home buying myths

There’s no shortage of ‘advice’ on what you need to buy a home. Unfortunately, some of the information commonly shared can cause more harm than good. We’re here to help you debunk five of the top… Read More

Which do you need? Home warranty vs manufacturer’s warranty

Things break down. Unexpected expenses are part of life, but they don’t have to upend our budgets or our lives—and that’s where a warranty can come in handy. When it comes to saving money on repairs… Read More

Save on utilities with this DIY home energy assessment

Energy bills are a part and parcel of owning a home. According to, the average American household spends over $175 a month on electricity and natural gas, or over $2,100 a year! It may be… Read More
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