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A whole house humidifier in front of a teal, dark gold, and white background
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Troubleshoot your whole house humidifier with easy maintenance

If you’ve noticed your home’s air quality has changed lately, it may be due to an issue with your whole house humidifier.

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Let it flow: How to unclog a sprinkler head

Watering your lawn can be so seamless, you don’t even have to think about it  – until a sprinkler head gets clogged. Use the info below to remove the clog and keep your sprinkler heads working… Read More

How to keep your AC unit cool on the hottest days

In the dog days of summer, a functioning air conditioning unit makes all the difference. Continue reading for ways to keep your AC working well, even when the temperatures rise. Pro Tip: For… Read More

Can I put my swimsuit in the dryer?

When you finish splashing around in the pool, what do you do after you change into dry clothes? Some like to throw their swimsuits in the washer, while others like to care for them gently by hand. If… Read More

3 top ways to clean pool tile

Summer is here! Though you may be ready to dive in, do you have a system in place for keeping your pool clean? No matter which one of the common pool stains you’re trying to get rid of, our four ways… Read More

Batteries not included? Keep your home essentials powered up

We all know the drill – you're settling into a cozy evening at home, and suddenly, the remote control or smoke detector starts acting up. Yep, it's the classic "low battery" alert. So, we’re here to… Read More

Tackle your home party prep for the Big Game!

The grand finale of the football season is upon us once more, and your home may soon be filled with friends and family ready to watch the big game. Tailgating at home can seem like a heavy… Read More

Stay warm safely: Portable home generator & furnace tips

Winter is here, and as the temperature drops, our reliance on the furnace — and occasionally the portable home generator — increases to keep the chill at bay. While these appliances are winter… Read More

Be winter ready: 7 steps to build a family emergency kit

There’s no denying it: The cold weather has arrived, and it's time to talk about something important – building a family emergency kit for winter weather. Don't worry; we're not turning your living… Read More
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