You are NOT limited: What ‘Choose Your Own Contractor’ Really Means
Yep! We said it, and we meant it: You can choose ANY licensed contractor for approved claims with America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW).
Why it comes in handy
- You don’t have to wait for anyone else to schedule a contractor for you: Scheduling is at YOUR convenience.
- You can find someone local, rather than waiting for someone half a state away.
- You can hire someone you know and trust, or someone a trusted friend has referred to you.
- The contractor works for YOU (not the home warranty company), which means you get a true, third-party opinion of your breakdown and recommendations on how to proceed.
But there’s more...
Now, there are contractors who may be hesitant to work with you and your home warranty. Here’s how you can help them reconsider:
- APHW payment is FAST: We can pay your contractor THAT DAY over the phone, or reimburse you with a check in only 10 to 15 business days. NO months of waiting for them means they’re happier to help you!
- There are NO arguments or debates over price: What they charge is what they charge.
- There are NO long, drawn-out conversations: Just a quick chat to get some item specs, your contractor’s professional opinion, and a repair quote, all of which takes approximately 5 minutes. That’s it.
Discover more tips on choosing a licensed contractor for covered repairs.
Want more info about America’s Preferred Home Warranty? Call 866.794.0875 today to learn more!
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