Plans Change, But CFC Still Finds a Way to Recognize Foster Families | APHW Skip to main content

Plans Change, But CFC Still Finds a Way to Recognize Foster Families

Every year, Child and Family Charities (CFC) of mid-Michigan finds a way to recognize and thank their foster families. This year, between mass closures and social distancing, they needed a new way to do that—and America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) stepped up.

“APHW sponsors our event with a Lansing Lugnuts game every year, so foster families can come enjoy a meal and we can thank them, but we couldn’t do that this year,” said CFC CEO Julie Thomasma. “So we were talking about another way to recognize the families.”

During this difficult time, foster families are facing additional challenges between home schooling and earning issues, among other things. “So we used the money to purchase Meijer gift cards, and worked with APHW to develop postcards with a message of thanks,” Julie said.

The gifts are going out to about 60 foster families in mid-Michigan this week, and Julie is thrilled that CFC is able to do so through APHW’s sponsorship. “These have been unique times for our families, and they will appreciate being seen and recognized in this way,” she said. “There are a lot of unsung heroes in the background—social workers, foster families, and the people who keep working for these kids. We appreciate you all, and God bless!”

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