The America's Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) Relay for Life fundraising team collected more than $58,000 in donations for the main Relay for Life 2022 event, cementing the team’s Ruby status (raising more than $50K) for the third year in a row, and securing APHW as the event's presenting sponsor. The amount of pride we feel as a team in knowing all that money is going toward helping put an end to cancer is incredible!
APHW has participated in the Jackson County, Michigan Relay for Life for years. The original owner of the company, Doris Anderson, passed away from cancer right before Randy Caltrider purchased the company, inspiring him to give back to the charity “in a mighty way”. Cancer has also personally affected many of our employees (directly or through family), so Relay for Life holds a special place in our hearts as a way to give back to our community.
Find your local chapter of Relay for Life and join today to help raise money to put an end to cancer!
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