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Swimsuits hang out of an open dryer next to a wicker laundry basket
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Can I put my swimsuit in the dryer?

When you finish splashing around in the pool, what do you do after you change into dry clothes?

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How to stop a leaky pipe

When your toilet is overflowing, or a pipe is leaking (a LOT), wouldn’t it be nice to know how to stop the onslaught of water? Read on to learn this and other essential tips about household plumbing.… Read More

Fall roof inspection tips to prepare for winter

Before the first snow, it’s important to check over the part of your home that protects you most: Your roof! Winter can aggravate existing roof issues (and your wallet), so follow these roof… Read More

Stinky fridge? We can help

Some of the appliances we use every day can get overlooked when it comes to cleaning and organization, including the refrigerator. If you have a stinky fridge (or you want to prevent it from becoming… Read More

"Water" you waiting for? Well? Pump!

Unless you’re really into Little House on the Prairie, chances are you’d prefer not to manually lift buckets of water out of a deep well several times a day. So be sure to give your modern-day… Read More

Make kitchen appliance care easy with these tips for routine maintenance

We all have our routines for cleaning the kitchen, but what about keeping your appliances in proper working order? Leaving kitchen maintenance as an afterthought can prevent our refrigerators and… Read More

How much does roof repair cost?

You might think about fixing things up around the house, but are you prepared to repair or replace what sits on top of it? Roof repair costs can vary, and our guide can help you sort out how to… Read More

How to close your pool for the season

Fall is inching toward us. It’s time to start preparations, and one of the biggest things to tackle is your large outdoor equipment, like your in-ground pool. Our tips below will show you how to… Read More

What does a water softener do?

Your water supply may contain minerals like magnesium and calcium, which can enter your home and wreak havoc over time. Water softeners can reduce the effects of these minerals, potentially extending… Read More
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