How often can you say you got in at the very beginning? While America’s Preferred Home Warranty (APHW) had been around long before Joe joined the team in 2012, he and two others were the start of APHW’s Direct to Consumer (DTC) Sales.
Getting Started
“The company had never previously done calls for renewals; they had only mailed out renewal letters,” Joe recalled. “I only had about five months of sales experience and didn’t know anything about home warranties when they recruited me, so I studied a lot.” But all the support from leadership made it easy to succeed, he said. “Everybody from upper management down to the floor always makes you feel welcome. You’re not a number here—you’re a person.”
And the department continued to expand from there.
“It has changed tremendously,” Joe said. “APHW has grown at such a rapid pace, and DTC has done nothing but continue to flourish and get better. It’s been awesome to watch.”
Promotion Opportunities
Joe’s position changed over the years from sales rep to team leader (a hybrid of sales and management responsibilities). Then when APHW expanded into a new building, he jumped on the opportunity to lead his own group of consumer sales reps as a supervisor. “It has been wonderful!” he said, still giving all the credit to Jason [Consumer Sales Manager] and Bill [VP of Consumer Sales] for their support, as well as to APHW for providing him the tools to help run the team.
“If you can handle fast-paced work, there’s tremendous opportunity to continue to move up and make a good living for yourself in DTC,” Joe said. “Even though sales can be scary, take the risk. We have very good training and good examples of people succeeding who had no previous sales experience, and there’s a great supporting cast around you to help you achieve your goals.”
Call 800.648.5006 ext. 236 for more information about job opportunities at APHW, or click here to apply today!